Dear Friend,
The person who gave this sponsor form has made an application for a TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) weekend experience in Christian living for young people and interested adults. The testimony of thousands of young people who have participated in this program since it’s inception gives ample and convincing evidence that the program touches the participants quite deeply and has a positive influence on their faith and their value system.
As a sponsor you are bringing a new person into the Great River TEC family. In order that the team of the candidate’s TEC weekend may be able to deal personally and sympathetically with each participant, we ask you to fill out this Sponsor Form. Your comments will be kept confidential.
In assuming the role of sponsor or the new TECites, we ask that you support your candidate in a special way through pray and encouragement. Perhaps you could help the candidate to prepare for the weekend and be a continuing support as the new TECite returns to everyday life after the weekend.
Should you have any questions, or desire to know more about being a TECite’s sponsor, please email
TEC Sponsor Information
As the sponsor of a TEC candidate you must be willing to take on the following responsibilities:
- Discuss financial matters (registration cost of $50 is due at the time application is sent in). If the candidate needs financial assistance, arrange parish support, or fill out the financial assis- tance form and contact the Coordinator.
- Pray for your candidate daily — before, during and after the weekend.
- Be available to answer any questions or concerns without giving away the special events of the weekend.
- Be sure the candidate has his/her application in as soon as possible.
- Be present or available when the forms are being filled out.
- Take on a sacrificial heart and do Wheat for your candidate and the rest of the weekend attendants.
- Encourage your candidate to make every effort to attend school/work the Tuesday following the weekend.
Online TEC Sponsor Form
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